Honouring National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
Each year, September 30th marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
On Septemebr 28th, 2023, McMan Calgary & Area held our Annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Commemorative Gathering & Every Child Matters Orange Shirt Day at our Zurich Office. This was an opportunity for our team to gather and learn together. 🧡
Reconciliation is about establishing and maintaining a mutually respectful relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in this country. For that to happen, there has to be awareness of the past, acknowledgement of the harm that has been inflicted, atonement for the causes, and action to change the behaviour. McMan Calgary and Area is committed to doing our part to advance truth and reconciliation. This includes working hard to achieve the transformative change set out by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and by Indigenous communities across Canada.
We want to thank everyone who made our National Day for Truth & Reconciliation gathering and learning possible. A BIG thanks to:
- Jackie Bromley for doing our opening prayer and smudge and leading our ‘Elder in Conversation’ session where she shared her engaging stories with the group.
- Corey Whitecap and Bia Pasqualini for leading the ‘Moving Forward with Reconciliation’ session, sharing their stories, and teaching the history of the Indian Residential School legacy and its impacts on Indigenous people.
- Diana Frost from the Colouring it Forward Society for leading an art-based reconciliation workshop where she guided us through creating art that reflects what reconciliation looks like for us.
- Tim Fox from the Calgary Foundation for leading a powerful presentation about how our organization can continue to move forward with reconciliation.
- Russ Baker and Ashley Daigle from Baker’s Bannock for cooking up a delicious feast of bison chilli, three sisters’ soup, salad, and Bannock.
- Our office neighbours, Trellis Society for allowing us to use their large gathering space for our sessions and presentations.
- The dedicated committee of McMan team members who planned and organized this event, including Valerie Fox, Christy Nakamura, Mariam Ismail, Darcie Gage, Taylor Malyon and Darian Host.