The James House

Providing transitional housing and support for adults

About The James House

The James House is a transitional bridge housing program that provides safe and stable housing and individualized supports for 27 individuals who are currently unhoused. To understand how homelessness is defined, please click here.

Residents of the James House may face a range of challenges including mental health issues, disabilities, and significant financial barriers. Through our innovative service delivery model, individuals will transition into permanent housing within a 10-12 month timeframe.

The James House operates from Housing First, Harm Reduction and Trauma Informed Practice models of care. We help individuals coordinate with a team of professional and personal supports to help residents focus on their growth and development; whether that be their health and wellness, increasing their employability skills, or strengthening their connections in the community.

The James House works with individuals to:

  • Increase connection with friends, family and community
  • Explore various long-term housing options
  • Access community and professional resources
  • Strengthen their life skills
  • Move towards their personal goals

After transition from the James House, McMan will remain connected with former residents for three months to ensure their team of care remains strong and they have the necessary resources to meet their goals.


The James House is funded by:


The James House is managed by:


Contact Us

For more information about the James House, please email:


Program Referrals

All referrals to James House come from the Coordinated Assessment and Access (CAA). All individuals must complete an assessment through the Safe Communities Opportunity and Resource Centre (SORCe) which is sent to the CAA table who then sends the referrals to James House. The SORCe information can be found here:

Self referrals are not accepted.

Check out the story behind how The James House came to be.

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